Thursday, October 9, 2008

In Class Assignment for 10-9-08

I sprained my index finger yesterday and I have a little splint on it that makes typing very uncomfortable to me so I am not going to write too much about this subject. This whole project that you are trying to prepare us for is very interesting to me. I think more classes need to be like this. Take pharmacy for example. My girlfriend has to take classes like organic chemistry and human anatomy for 6 or 7 years to do what? Count pills. Organic chemistry teaches absolutely nothing about what it is like being a pharmacist. Does WVU care? No. They just want the money. At least after a few years of the history of journalism I am in a class that puts students in the real world to get real information about a particular job.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2nd in Class Assignment

As a writer I should be very concerned with the genre of writing that I need to be mimicking. If I'm writing a science report it needs to be drastically different from writing a english report. One would be more focused on the strucure and word usage and the other would be focused on what I did for my project. With the progress report I will be sure to include as many specific details as possible.