Thursday, October 9, 2008

In Class Assignment for 10-9-08

I sprained my index finger yesterday and I have a little splint on it that makes typing very uncomfortable to me so I am not going to write too much about this subject. This whole project that you are trying to prepare us for is very interesting to me. I think more classes need to be like this. Take pharmacy for example. My girlfriend has to take classes like organic chemistry and human anatomy for 6 or 7 years to do what? Count pills. Organic chemistry teaches absolutely nothing about what it is like being a pharmacist. Does WVU care? No. They just want the money. At least after a few years of the history of journalism I am in a class that puts students in the real world to get real information about a particular job.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First, I hope that your finger is on the mend!

Second, I appreciate your interest in the project, and I hope that you do indeed find it to be a useful one to pursue. As you put together your proposal, be sure to be specific in terms of your aims (that is, your research questions) for the project as well as the research methods you'll pursue to gather data that will help you to begin answering these questions.