Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Assignment Due September 30

I'm a journalism major so essays are pretty easy to come by. I have the news stories I have had to generate and I've had the regular english class essays too. One of these Enlglish essays that aggravated me the most was one I had to write about a play called "The Friends". We were supposed to come up with a theory about the play that hadn't been discussed in class or any type of text book we may have used in class. Coming up with a thesis about something I barely cared about at best was difficult. I had to read and reread the pages to even form so type of opinion about the play itself. Once I had I decided that I would pick one point in the play and argue that that point was the real turning point of the play. I observed the psyche of the three characters very closely and then came up with what moment truely affected the three friends enough to cause an apex to the action. I argued my point strongly enough with psychological explanations of why certain characters said certain things at certain moments in the story. I completely hated the assignment but I did ok on it.

1 comment:

Scott Wible said...

You make an important point here about needing to be motivated about a topic in order to do your best writing about it. I'd like to hear more description here in terms of the intertextual referencing you did as you composed this essay: what specific passages did you directly quote and why? which passages did you indirectly quote and why? how did you refer to these passages as you made your own analytical points?