Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fifth Writing Assignment

Well I've just really done the bare essentials with the exploratory essay. I barely stamped out 2 pages but I don't think that this particular assignment is to hard. I mean I'm the type of person that doesn't have to think a whole lot about what they are going to do. I just pick what I'm going to work on and then I go do it. This exploratory essay doesn't help my thought process all that much. But I did it and now its off to work on the the letter of inquiry. That will be a little more interesting because I actually have to write to a professional writer and ask then to allow me to study them. It's a little intimidating.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Were you to be producing a more formal research project examining your writing process for the exploratory essay, you'd want to provide many more specific details at this point in your entry:

"I mean I'm the type of person that doesn't have to think a whole lot about what they are going to do. I just pick what I'm going to work on and then I go do it."

What specific thinking did you do before you began to inscribe your text (here I'm referencing the inscribing text / composing a text distinction that Paul Prior makes; that is, even the mental work you do before you begin to type constitutes your "composing" a text).

And, another question would be interesting to ask about your writing process, particularly as I compare it to several of your colleagues' descriptions: what ideas or topics might get cut off because of the relatively short amount of time you devote to the invention process?