Thursday, September 18, 2008

Class Assignment for 9-18-08

In the letters to the editor section there is a person named Y. Williams Burns that is concerned about John McCain's presidency from a Christian standpoint. They are concerned about McCain as a Christian because he cheated on his wife and is therefore (in their opinion), unfit to govern the nation. He certainly is very passionate about John McCain's shortcomings as a leader due to his shortcomings as a husband and father. While these two things are connected they are certainly not the same thing as bringing a nation into or out of war or controlling the economy. I guess some questions that they ask are "Does John McCain really support moral values?" "Does his politicial campaign rely heavily on his being a prisoner of war before?" "Is John McCain a fit father?" and maybe a little more inadvertantly he asks "Does Obama fit into the standards of a good Christian?"

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